Kelly Anne Dolan Memorial Fund

Community BUZZ – July issue


Right in our backyard lives a 5-year-old boy named Billy. As a twin, he shares a special bond with his sister and his younger brother, constant sources of joy. However, Billy’s life is uniquely challenging and inspiring. 

 Billy’s parents expected a smooth journey into parenthood with their twins. Yet, Billy was delivered at 35-weeks and admitted to the NICU. A few days into his NICU stay, the new parents learned that Billy had a Grade 4 brain bleed, dramatically shifting their world. Billy has since been diagnosed with post hemorrhagic hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy (CP), cortical visual impairment (CVI) and epilepsy. 

These unexpected diagnoses brought uncertainty and immense challenges to Billy’s life. Daily tasks that many take for granted are significant hurdles for Billy. His medical conditions mean that he requires constant attention, specialized equipment, and therapies to navigate his day. Despite needing a wheelchair and help with feeding, Billy’s spirit remains bright. His days are supported by dedicated nursing care at school and home, ensuring he gets the medical support he needs. 

 The extensive care Billy’s family strives to maintain is a heavy burden, both emotionally and financially. The constant medical attention, therapies, and specialized equipment for their growing young boy are costly. 

The Dolan Fund was lucky enough to be joined by Billy and his family on our 2024 Spirit of Philadelphia cruise. There we got to experience firsthand, Billy and his siblings in action on the dance floor and enjoying each other’s company. Billy’s resilience and cheerful disposition are a testament to his strength and the unwavering love of his family. 

Although Billy’s everyday challenges are different than most, he attends school five days a week and thrives. He loves participating in class, eagerly answering questions with strong verbal skills. His willingness and persistence shine as he advocates for himself when needed. His sharp hearing helps him in learning and playing jokes on his family. 

Billy’s journey reminds us of the resilience and potential within every child. It’s not just a story of challenges but of overcoming them with a smile. It’s a celebration of a bright spirit who spreads happiness with ease. 

 With the help of generous donors, families like Billy’s receive the financial aid and respite they need to ensure their children have access to the best care and opportunities for growth and happiness. Your support can brighten Billy’s life, his family’s and the lives of many other children facing similar challenges.




Rhythm and Brews returns and will be bigger and better than before. This year, the Kelly Anne Dolan Memorial Fund is changing our calendar from four events to two large-scale events celebrating our mission and raising funds for the families we serve. Our first fundraising event will be held this October to celebrate our 48th anniversary and build on the tradition started at last Autumn’s party. We can’t wait to have you join us on Friday, October 18th, at the Morris Arboretum.


Last year’s highlights will return, including full access to the Arboretum grounds at twilight, an open bar at the Bubbles and Brews caravan, the University of Pennsylvania Counterparts a capella singers, and enjoying hors d’oeuvres on the Out on a Limb adult tree house while watching an autumn sunset. We’ll have fabulous raffle items if you’re feeling lucky and even better auction items, including several once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

This year, we will also have access to the entire visitor center and tent. After cocktail hour, we will migrate there for a variety of food stations. The music and beverages will continue to flow, and you will be invited to sample a variety of delicious bites.

Last year, tickets sold out, and we can host more guests by moving to a larger event this year. But tickets are still limited, so we encourage you to purchase early. In addition, many tax-deductible sponsorships for businesses, organizations, and individuals come with brand recognition and complimentary tickets.

All tickets and sponsorships can be purchased online by clicking the buttons below.


If you have more questions about sponsorships or want to donate an in-kind item to Rhythm and Brews, please contact Diana Rodgers ( or Linda Bean (



Are you looking to improve morale at your workplace? How about building a community in your neighborhood? How about working towards a common goal at your corporation? Does your PTA want to instill a spirit of civic engagement in students? Is your scouting group always looking for service projects?

A collaborative service project is the perfect opportunity to connect with those in your business, faith, school, neighborhood, or professional community. This is especially true when you’re looking to reestablish bonds after a long summer where employees may have been out of the office for extended periods or have shifted job titles at the beginning of the new fiscal year. For school and community groups working on the academic year, scheduling service projects for the fall allows your group to bond over common values by executing a shared goal.


At The Dolan Fund, we make service projects relevant and easy for the groups we work with. We take feedback from our healthcare partners seriously. Through those conversations, we have developed four types of kits that businesses, adult, and teen groups can assemble for the children we serve: music therapy kits, art therapy kits, Kolbe overnight hospital bags, and sensory kits. You can choose how many you would like to assemble. They will coordinate a donation with Linda Bean, our Community Engagement Manager, who will work to purchase the required material and deliver it with assembly instructions to your group. Your group can decide if you want a Dolan Fund team member to join you for your service day to share how your work will impact local families or if you can watch a pre-recorded video about the impact of your service. We will arrange pick up of your completed projects to be delivered to one of our partner organizations, such as CHOP, Nemours, St. Christopher’s, Easter Seals, or Our Mother of Confidence.

Recently, our social work partners at St. Christopher’s shared that they love our Thanksgiving Baskets for the families they treat. However, there is a real need for this same type of nutrition support from January through October when many of us are not thinking about food insecurity. So, we developed three Family Feast service project options: Taco Tuesday, Meatball Monday, and Breakfast for Dinner. To make these, you will receive a grocery list of nonperishable ingredients for a day’s food. We recommend donating to The Dolan Fund for each food basket you assemble; we will purchase a gift card for perishables to the preferred grocery store of the recipient family.


Finally, our youngest volunteers are often our most enthusiastic. Over the years, several of our school partners have developed student-run, age-appropriate fundraising events that teach compassion, leadership, civic engagement, and teamwork. Our preschool and elementary school-age volunteers at Woodside Christian Preschool, Twin Spring Farm School, and the Goddard Schools have participated in Funny Feet Walk-a-Thons, where they learn about disability and disease, decorate their sneakers, and walk laps of their campus to raise donations for their neighbors in need. Our older elementary and middle school partners at Tamanend Middle School and Gwynedd Mercy Academy Elementary School host annual 3-on-3basketball tournaments that raise thousands of dollars for The Dolan Fund. The students learn public speaking skills by soliciting sponsorships and in-kind donations for snacks and take on leadership roles by serving as announcers, organizers, and managers. Our partnership with Howard University recently led to the development of a hosting guide for high schools and colleges for 3-v-3 tournaments.

Contact Linda Bean to learn more about how your business, school, professional group, faith organization, or community group can serve the Dolan Fund.

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